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Give us a hand

and you'll end up winning something too

There are many ways to help, you just need to choose the one that suits you better



If you are looking for are staying in Costa Rica and you are looking for a place to volunteer in San Jose, you can come and help us teaching a class or starting a project. 


How you want to volunteer it's up to you, we just ask for you to commit with what you promise. We will do our best to help you in every step.



If you are abroad and you are interested to support our work, you can do it by donating any amount.


You can donate to a specific cause monthly like feeding a Montessori kid or fixing an instrument for the orchestra, or you can do a one-time donation for any amount.

Sifais works thanks to the work of dozens of volunteers that donate a part of their time to teach something that they know to the community. We encourage the volunteers to teach whatever they feel like they are good at and want to share with others, how they teach it is up to them.


We also have an administrative and a field team made of employees and volunteers that are always willing to help with any trouble that the volunteers and students encounter along the way.


Everyone that wants to teach and share what they know or has a talent that wants to put to service is welcomed, the only thing that SIFAIS requires is commitment with the project and willingness to follow basic guidelines.



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Program a visit,


contact Magdalena López:


Or  text Sifais on WhatsApp

+506 6312 2349

or email

Fundación SIFAIS

Boulevard de Rohrmoser  -   Cuevadeluz de La Carpio
(506) 2290-5690   -    (506) 6312-2349

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El modelo de promoción social SIFAIS ha sido concebido en Eureka Comunicación como parte de su programa de RSE, y es impulsado directamente por su fundadora y por millares de voluntarios y donantes que se han unido a esta innovadora y apasionante Revolución Constructiva que nació en La Carpio. © 2015 SIFAIS

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